Client Testimonials
Vicky Walkden with Noah the Shih Tzu – Cruciate Ligament damage, no surgery.
Noah, originally had Hydro / Rehab with Steve approx 4 years ago, following cruciate damage, he recovered so well, it was amazing to see the difference . In October 2018 , I noticed he was lame in the opposite hind leg. I had been warned that this was a possibility . Noah was clearly in pain. I visited the team again, to see if we could work together to try and improve the situation. My hope was that we could prevent Noah having to undergo an operation. Noah is a nervous crossbreed and can be quite grumpy !! I was nervous, knowing Noah wasn’t the easiest dog to deal with. However, Ruth came to our rescue and she has been amazing, not only has she worked her magic on the lame hind leg, she has won Noah over. He is so settled and happy, Canine Health & Hydro is our ‘happy place’ . Thanks to Ruth, Helen and all the team that make this such a great place for pets and owners. Thanks x
Maggie Brady
Our beautiful 3 legged Doberman has been for 2 sessions of laser and hydrotherapy and she’s loving it. Lola lost her front leg 5 years ago and managed fantastically without it up until last year when her remaining leg started to show the strain – now she has limited mobility and at the age of 9 is struggling to do very much walking at all. I contacted Steve at Canine Health & Hydro a couple of weeks ago and after his speedy response Lola has already had an assessment, taster session in the pool and is now looking forward to her third lovely laser treatment and dip in the pool chasing a pink donut – we’re all feeling hopeful for another summer with our lovely lass Lola barking at the passers by from our front garden thanks to Steve and the wonderful friendly team.
Jenny Woodward with Misty the Springer – Road traffic accident, Nerve damage,Caudal Luxation, fracture.
My Springer Misty was run over on 19th May this year. As you can imagine I was devastated. She spent 5 days at Rutland House Hospital where her hip was plated and screwed. The staff were amazing but I was told the recovery would be long and may not be completed successful as she had damaged her sciatic nerve. The advice was to get her to physio and treadmill as soon as possible once stiches had been removed. On arriving at Canine, Steve met me at the door and gave me so much hope that Misty would make a full recovery I burst into tears. Steve and his staff were absolutely amazing. Slowly but surely Misty started to place her foot down and each week saw her improve. Lots of suggestions were given to me by the staff of how to help the healing process. I was prepared to do anything to ensure Misty made a full recovery, even building a pool in our garden to give extra hydro sessions. We have come to the end of the intense treadmill sessions and the difference in Misty is unbelievable. I cannot thank Steve and his staff enough for all their encouragement and support over the past few months. Without it, I am not sure I would have survived. Misty now runs around as happy as ever and we both look forward to going out on our local shoot. Awesome and thank you just doesn’t seem to be enough.
Paul Christodoulou with Gabriel the Collie – Hip Dysplasia, no surgery.
Gabriel has now been attending Canine Health and Hydro for over a year now. In that time his Hip Dysplasia has significantly improved and is now more or less cleared. He loves the Hydrotherapy and the staff, to such an end that even though his 2 x 10 sessions have sorted his problem, we continue to take him there every other week, as it is more than clear that he benefits every single time. We see it when he runs and plays outside. Now he also goes in the treadmill every other visit to fine tune his gate. Each time is followed by a good shower and a dry. I cannot recommend Canine Health and Hydro enough. A superb organisation with the care and health of dogs their first priority.
Anthony and Lisa Hart
We are really pleased with the progress that Monty has made since starting Hydro. Every member of staff are friendly and approachable. Ruth has been fantastic with Monty and is always ready to answer any questions we have. Monty thoroughly enjoys his sessions with Ruth and she is always willing to adapt the session to Monty’s needs.
We cannot recommend Ruth and the rest of Steve’s team highly enough.
Thank you!
Derek russell
Helen and the team have worked wonders with my dog, Denton. 2 months ago he appeared to be in relapse after from his spinal operation which had resolved his back end paralysis. He however suddenly again suffered poor balance and an inability to stand and it looked like I may have to have him put down rather let him live in pain and suffering.
After 2 months of laser and hydro-therapy treatment he can again stand and walk under his own steam, is lively and more like he was 2 years ago.
Thanks Helen and the team for giving me my boy back; he is so dear to me.
Chris & Bill Goldthorp with Sally the Collie X – Arthritis in both Knees (stifles), weightloss.
We had thought about hydrotherapy for our old girl Sally a Collie/ Jack Russell cross for some time due to arthritis in her back legs. She’s like a Collie stuffed into a Jack Russell body with little back legs. Other health issues came into play and her arthritis seemed to be worsening. This all pushed us into finding Canine Health and Hydro. Well, it’s the best thing we could have ever done for Sally!
After making an appointment Steve called me and had a really good chat asking about Sally, giving information on what would happen at the assessment offering advice about weight loss which was one of our goals for her.
Steve was great with Sally at her assessment and she went on to gave twice weekly pool sessions and now once weekly.
She sees different therapists who are are great, friendly and attentive to her. She has become more sprightly, moves better and has increased extension in her back legs. Oh and has lost almost 2Kg.
We highly recommend Canine Health and Hydro whose staff are always friendly and welcoming. They’ve helped improve an old girls quality of life! Thank you!
Angela Stuttard with Monty the Staffy – Spinal Issues and Bilateral Elbow Arthritis.
Monty was diagnosed with 3 bulging discs and was suffering with arthritis in both front elbows. Monty is a 91/2 year old Staffordshire Bull Terrier. His back legs weren’t doing what he wanted, he struggled to remain balanced cocking his leg, he would suddenly loose his balance and sit down, he was down in the dumps and so was I. He didn’t want to go out for walks and didn’t want to play. Since attending hydro as a regular inpatient I cannot believe how much he has improved! He had regained his posture, he has regained his balance and leg movement. With K laser therapy his arthritis has calmed down and he no longer ‘bobs’ when walking. My Monty is back and so is my sanity. We are on a journey and his rehabilitation has been a bit up and down, but he is now on the the right road. A typical staff who doesn’t swim, he has been a bit stubborn! But with patience and encouragement all the staff have gained his trust and now he loves going. He has never been in kennels and I was worried about him being in inpatient for the whole day at a time, but he loves it there. I really can’t express my gratitude to all the team who have not only worked wonders with Monty but also been a fabulous support to me, providing me with additional advise and tips on his care, as well as tissues! I can’t recommend canine health and hydro enough
Laura lemon
Just want to say the biggest thank you!! My sid came in after a spinal injury at the beginning of February. He had not been able to weight bare without the help of a sling. We were greatful he was
still with us but almost resigned to him being a shadow of his former self. I asked my vet about the benefits of hydrotherapy and was referred to Steve and his team. Wow!!
From the first session I had renewed hope for sid and I’m so glad I stuck with it. Now, only a few months later he is so fit and loves his swimming!! Sid is back running on the beach and through woods, something I never dared hope for. If you didn’t know he’d had an injury you honestly wouldn’t know. He took a lot of persuasion initially and the team was so patient throughout and now sid thoroughly enjoys his sessions!
I cannot recommend this place enough!! I have got my nutty pointer back and I truly believe it is down to Canine Health & Hydro, Thank you
and we’ll see you soon, Laura x
Eve & Noel Eke
Our Labradoodle Seth has hip dysplasia. He is 7 years old. After a 10 week course of hydrotherapy he is now having monthly sessions. He loves swimming and has lost 5kgs in weight; is fitter; jumps in/out of the car; and is much happier. We have followed the teams canine dietary advice, and are thrilled at the progress Seth has made. He loves attending the centre and enjoys his regular grooming
sessions. We can’t thank Steve and Poppy enough for helping us to improve upon Seth’s quality of life.
Jean Hewitt
We have a 5year old Golden Retriever ,Harry, who is recovering from a cruciate ligament and a low grade mast cell tumour on the same leg. It has been going on for over 12 months and we had nearly forgotten what it was like to have a healthy mobile dog. Since attending his weekly hydrotherapy session he has come on in leaps and bounds. The added advantage is that he really loves it! He cannot wait to get in to the car when we utter the magic words “swimming”! He is weight bearing on the operated leg, his gait has improved and he has started to lose weight. He is a much happier dog and we are much happier owners thanks to Canine Health & Hydro and all their care and advice.
Katherine and Rachel with Hector the Jack Russell – Multiple Orthopedic Issues.
Hector has his thirteenth birthday in February 2017. He has been going to Canine Health and Hydro for a number of years. Initially he started having weekly swimming sessions with Steve and then moved onto maintenance swimming before changing to treadmill sessions. He has also recently started having laser sessions before he goes on the treadmill. The difference in Hector is amazing. He has had several near death experiences in his relatively short life. A short list of these experiences includes: being savaged by another dog causing abdominal and back injuries requiring extensive surgery; being hit by a bus; being caught in a snare; being run over by a vet. We were worried that Hector was in pain from scar tissue and we also noticed he was not running evenly with his hind legs. We had seen the benefits of water treadmill therapy in our horses. So, we decided to try swimming for Hector and booked in a session. It is clear that his swimming and now laser and treadmill sessions mean Hector can continue to live life to the max. His pain is managed and has also clearly regained muscle loss. Importantly for Hector, thanks to the team at Canine Health and Hydro, he can still sprint fast; very important for a Jack Russell Terrier who likes to chase rabbits.
Michelle Oliver
We had been recommended and referred to this service by our vet Pam, following Sams minor stroke as part of rehab therapy. On arrival Sam had a full check/assessment by Ruth and Sam was found to have lost an awful lot of muscle on his back legs – one only 12″ circumference. Sam took to his swim sessions like a “duck to water”, having sessions of half an hour with the team. As soon as I get out Sam “swim bag” he gets excited knowing where we are going.
As I write this Sam has lost 2kg in weight and has gained muscle on his back legs (18″ both legs) so is well on his way to recovery with four more sessions booked in.
Highly recommended – we have our old boy back 🙂
Well done team – keep your good work up xx
David Rushton
Bert started his hydro as a result of a medial cruciate ligament tear. The therapy has been wonderful in restoring strength to his leg. He absolutely loves the exercise and the attention he gets from the team. They are knowledgeable and provide excellent routines. Although Bert virtually doesn’t need hydro now it is great for maintenance and he would definitely object if we stopped!
I would highly recommend Canine Health and Hydro! Thank you!
- Helena Washington
My dogs have both come to Canine Health and Hydro for Laser and Hydrotherapy. It is fantastic here and they both have benefited hugely. My 8 year old Labrador becomes like a puppy again when she has her Laser therapy. She has worked with all the therapists they have all been great. Thank you
Anne Robinson
Cinni was really bad with walking, swollen elbows, could only walk a short distance – few hundred yards before lying down and wanting to go home. Since she has been coming to Canine Health and Hydro we have seen a total change – her movement is so much improved, she now wants to go for a walk and is gradually increasing the distance. Her sitting position and lying position are now “normal” and the swelling in her joints is virtually gone. Although she will never be 100% because of the problems she has, the work and dedication of the staff has made such an amazing difference. The understanding, patience and car they show helps so much and has given me so much confidence in knowing what they do can and does make such a big difference!
Thank you so much xx
Karen Mortimer
Leo is doing really well with the hydro. Just loves being with Ruth & Helen as he does the treadmill. They make him feel safe and secure and he is very trustworthy. Lianne is so patient with Leo with his laser treatment. Thank you so much! Would recommend these therapies for other cats as part of their recovery. They will be well looked after with the team at Canine Health and Hydro. We are very impressed with their love of animals and the care they receive. Thank you so much 🙂 !! Purr!!
Keith Wright
Oscar is a Staffy Cross (we think with a Boxer) and is very energetic and strong. When we found he had torn a hind ligament in the knee joint it was a massive blow both to him and us. His whole
character changed and he became quite withdrawn apart from having to hobble about on three legs. Following a very successful operation the vet recommended that Oscar underwent a course in
hydrotherapy and so we met a member of the team who went through the process they could offer. Initially I was somewhat sceptical as to what could be achieved in the recommended 10 sessions but these were soon allayed when it was clear that the hard work on the treadmill in the water tank was paying off. Oscar has never been a great lover of water but he took to it well and with a little encouragement
worked very hard.
Oscar is now charging around as before and we are back to having to return “stolen” balls to other owners again which is great!
Well done team.
Jeanette Hamer
Ben our 21 month old golden retriever.Suffered massive nerve damaged due to neglect in kennels, then man left him 3 days without seeing a vet!!! he was seen at Liverpool university had mri scans and they found a big blood clot, they operated to remove it but they advised amputation! which I said no I need give bengi more time, and get my head round it, so I thought about hydrotheraphy the neurologist daneil was ok with it. so I did some research and saw an article in Lancashire magazine. there he was steve maney canine health and hydotheraphy. I rang up got app on Monday morning ben walked in and loved steve straight away, he swam him and the trust he had in steve was amazing, steve and poppy are amazing people they took ben in there home for a month swam him 3 times a day, we started seeing progress it was overwhelming, I sat there many times crying to see my bengi get use back in his shoulder and leg, Fitzpatrick clinic saw him still advised amputation, but I still said no!! at xmas ben started to walk again and its all down to the decation , love and caring treatment he got here, I took ben back 3 week ago see his buddy steve who is god im eyes, I want people out there to know how good and fantastic Canine Health and Hydro are they have given bengi his quality of life back thank you from his loving family Jeanette x tony bengi boo
Nicky Broadhead
Our boy Baxter is an 11 year old springer who has always been a fit and healthy boy, however stiffness in his back legs (due to age) and an old injury was preventing him from enjoying his life to the full. He struggled jumping up for cuddles and when really stiff wouldn’t jump onto his favourite spot in the house, the doggie couch 🙂 He was a little miserable and didn’t enjoy play time the same.
After passing Canine Health & Hydro one day I checked out their website and decided to ask my vet for a referral. The following week we went to see them who recommended a course of swim sessions. Baxter has always loved the water and couldn’t wait to get started. He has now had 6 sessions and I cannot believe the change in him. He has not only lost weight but more importantly he can stand on his back legs once again and jump for special cuddles. He even plays again with his brother and of course us. He is weight baring on his back legs again so I cannot recommend this treatment
highly enough. Your dogs will love it. The staff are also very friendly and knowledgeable. Give it a go
Nicky, James, Madi, Baxter & Bruno